Your Heart Is the Only Critic Worthy of Your Attention

Your Heart Is the Only Critic Worthy of Your Attention

We live in a world where it is easy to feel insecure. Whether it be for our politics, gender, sexual identification or non-identification, color or creed, religion, skills and abilities, economic status, or countless other reasons, ours has become a world where shaming is routine and self esteem seems to be hitting an all-time low.

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Positive Aspects, Revisited

If you’ve had the chance to listen to recent videos the past couple of days over on you know this past Holy weekend I’ve been focused on death, resurrection as rebirth, and transformation. Nietzsche said that the snake that cannot shed its skin must perish and never is this more true than in Springtime

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Scientific Clues to Who I Really Am

My mom encouraged me to do DNA testing several weeks ago. She had hers tested and while there were no surprises — a preponderance of Eastern European — she wondered how my father’s genetic makeup would come down to me with his Italian and Eastern European roots. I have always considered myself Italian, mostly because

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