Dr Mark Arcuri - Magical Maui ManifestingI have been feeling a need to get out of town for a while now. Just feeling like I need a change of scenery for some writing inspiration and to finish Paradise (re)Discovered, which is long overdue by my human sense of impatience. I’ve toyed with different ideas and for various reasons none has felt ideal.

A couple of weeks ago I was with a friend and we were doing some web searching for timeshare trades and we found a few options that looked interesting, but still none felt quite right. I thought I should check them out further anyway; by the time I got home, though, they were all gone! That’s pretty much the way timeshare trades work. I was disappointed even though I wasn’t all that excited by what we saw. So I decided I would just keep putting out to the universe as clearly as I could that I would love to steal away to a perfect place — somewhere inspiring, affordable, and that it be an easy decision. I checked more, and found nothing. 🤣

The next night in my FB Live broadcast I recounted a seemingly unrelated story about having a too full plate and things to do about that (replay here) and told how I had spent time on Maui 11 years ago and brought so much work with me that the friend who joined me left me and went to the beach on his own. I said that the story came to mind because I’ve been thinking about Maui and hoped to return soon.

Not 10 hours later I checked the timeshares again and what did I find! A perfect two-bedroom condo on the beach in Kihei! The trade was just $209 for the entire week — and it is for my birthday week! I grabbed it this time without hesitation and resolved to figure out how I would actually get to Maui later, and I made peace with the fact that if I could not find a way to get to Maui I was okay with losing the $209. Secretly, though, I was confident I would find a way.

To make a long story short, later that morning Carlos figured out that I could get to Maui on a free ticket IN FIRST CLASS for $11.20!! And he and another friend found that they could join me after they both had conflicts that magically resolved in ways that were even better for them than their original plans.

What is more significant is that Paradise (re)Discovered was born in Maui 11 years ago. Carlos suggested that this trip would be a perfect time to do some supporting videos there. And he’s right; I hadn’t even thought of it. What’s more, I took a picture on Maui in 2008 that I always intended would be the book’s cover. And this weekend I received a mock up of the cover with that very picture. You can see the picture, sans the full book cover, above.

Magic indeed!! But, completely ordinary when one works with intention. Share your stories in the Comments below! Let’s magnify the magic and allow it to be infectious to others!

With blessings and much gratitude,
from Santa Fe, NM (and soon to be Maui!),
Dr Mark

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Dr Mark Arcuri
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