A New Beginning From the 8th Dimension

Joe and Kamala Election BlogA New Beginning From the 8th Dimension

It is hard to believe, in some ways, that today marks the beginning of renewed hope in the United States of America. Four years ago was marked by the horror of the appointment of a new regime of government that promised to take our great country back to a time of division and hate. It succeeded. I remember images of a weeping Statue of Liberty the morning after that election. She has wept even more in the years that have passed. Today is a new beginning, though, with President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris promising renewed faith in our country’s greatness once cherished. Those who are interested can embrace it. Others can choose to be left behind. Our free will gives us that right.

I’ve had conversations with friends and clients in recent weeks who sought my thoughts on our country’s state and how to find some solace that, as is always true, all is well. I spoke of my faith in greater order and my belief that there is some sense found in the chaos when experienced through a spiritual lens. I said that the lens that got me through the past four years is the 8th Dimension.

In the hard sciences, physics, in particular, the 8th Dimension includes all other dimensions. It is infinite, and in some belief systems, it leads to the next life. Christians speak of triple 8s as representing Christ. The Chinese see in 888 fortune. In neurobiology, the 8th Sense represents our interconnectedness, Oneness.

The 8th Dimension of consciousness provides a bird’s eye view of reality. Since it encompasses everything, we can see all without the limitations of our ordinary awareness from this vantage point. When we see life through the 8th Dimension, we see things as an observer free from the bounds of the reality we create. And from this place, we can make sense of what confuses us from our earthlier vantage point.

I have preferred to observe the last four years from this 8th-dimensional perspective. It has helped me understand that when situations command robust solutions, extreme events must occur to catalyze a return to order. Before the old regimen was appointed to office by the electoral college, despite the majority’s will, there was rising turmoil in our country. The spiritual response was to bring a regimen into power that would cause extreme chaos—to restore order. The chaos of the last four years, while nonsensical from our 4th-dimensional perspective, makes perfect Sense from the 8th Dimension—the more intense the confusion and pain, the faster the resolution. And today, after four years of intensifying chaos, a resolution—indeed a revolution—has come.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris represent a new beginning. They bring restoration to humanity, values for the greater good, role modeling for our children that we can all embrace, and a position in the world from which to bring forth greater unity and healing. I celebrate the new administration and all they will accomplish, and I invite you to do the same.

Some of my family members voted for the last regimen, the first time around and again this past November. As with the pain this has caused for the world these past four years, it has caused me great personal distress. But I am nonetheless grateful for the experience because it strengthened my resolve and independence; it helped me loosen ties that, even at 59 years old, stood in the way of my individuation. Yes, it has led to a far happier life than I had four years ago! In experiencing what makes me different from them, I have learned to celebrate my authenticity. There is no greater gift.

I hope that each of you finds gratitude for the past four years’ experiences and that you remain open to embracing the healing that will come from this new beginning. Welcome Joe and Kamala! Godspeed.

With blessings and appreciation
from Santa Fe, NM,
Dr. Mark

Dr Mark Arcuri
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