
What Are You Willing To Be?

I woke up this morning feeling a deepened sense of horror as the appointed leader of the USA continues on his path of unravelling all sense of morality and dignity for our country while recklessly endangering millions and millions here and abroad. What troubles me most is that while the man is ignorant he is

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I Have A Family, I Am Not My Family

Tumultuous times are upon us in the United States of America. Indeed “United States” seems like a misnomer as ever growing disunity establishes itself with the installation of a new administration that was appointed to office despite that the people elected another. This challenges the very core of what any democracy stands for. And many, myself

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Returning To Old Things … In New Ways

And the ride continues!  Yours too, I am sure.  With each new day comes new insights, and with each insight a new learning, and with each learning an inspiration, and with each inspiration acted on, a new chapter unfolds.  If the chain is unbroken, one can move from new day dawning to transformational change very

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