Your Heart Is the Only Critic Worthy of Your Attention

Your Heart Is the Only Critic Worthy of Your Attention

We live in a world where it is easy to feel insecure. Whether it be for our politics, gender, sexual identification or non-identification, color or creed, religion, skills and abilities, economic status, or countless other reasons, ours has become a world where shaming is routine and self esteem seems to be hitting an all-time low.

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Judgement v. Discernment

We live in a world full of contrast — social concerns abound and they give ample fuel to a fire that has been smoldering for a very long time.  While here in the United States the crisis feels particularly amplified at the current time, with the smoldering embers on the verge of exploding into a full-on

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The Greatest Tragedy

There is not one of us who is better than the worst we see in others. The immigrant? He is all of us. The criminal? She too. Gay? Jew? Black? Muslim? Christian? Atheist? (the list goes on) We are all them and every one of them is us. With every bit of bashing and bigotry

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