We Are (Still) One

I received a wonderful quote in my email today. It came from Frederic Craigie, PhD and was sent as a Weekly Reflection that he sends. Today’s Reflection was from Gregory Boyle, SJ and it read: “The measure of our compassion lies not in our service to those on the margins, but in our willingness to

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Your Heart Is the Only Critic Worthy of Your Attention

Your Heart Is the Only Critic Worthy of Your Attention

We live in a world where it is easy to feel insecure. Whether it be for our politics, gender, sexual identification or non-identification, color or creed, religion, skills and abilities, economic status, or countless other reasons, ours has become a world where shaming is routine and self esteem seems to be hitting an all-time low.

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New Day, Same Opportunity

Today is a new day. While no doubt it will be full of experiences that are pretty routine, there is also a brand new opportunity—brand new despite that it happens everyday. The opportunity is to ask yourself a simple question as you start the day, the answer to which can have profound consequences. A few

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