Dr Mark Arcuri - Magical Maui Manifesting
Dr Mark's Musings

Magical Maui Manifesting

I have been feeling a need to get out of town for a while now. Just feeling like I need a change of scenery for some writing inspiration and to finish Paradise (re)Discovered, which is long overdue by my human sense of impatience. I’ve toyed with different ideas and for various reasons none has felt

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I Am Open To Receive!
Dr Mark's Musings

I Am Open to Receive!

I had a conversation with my mother yesterday as I do every Sunday. She is 85 years old and lives independently about 1700 miles away. She was telling me about a neighbor who took her to lunch this past week. He paid the bill. My mother’s presumption was that he did that because she made

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We Are (Still) One

I received a wonderful quote in my email today. It came from Frederic Craigie, PhD and was sent as a Weekly Reflection that he sends. Today’s Reflection was from Gregory Boyle, SJ and it read: “The measure of our compassion lies not in our service to those on the margins, but in our willingness to

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